module ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel

  1. lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb

Class methods shared by all models

Many class methods can be overridden for particular use cases by setting other methods or instance variables. For example, scaffold_fields is a method that takes an action, such as :new. scaffold_fields(:new) will first check if scaffold_new_fields is a method, and will call it if so. If not, it will check if @scaffold_new_fields is defined, and use it if so. If not, will take the default course of action.

The first argument to the overridable method is used to search for the override method or instance variable. If a override method is used, the remaining arguments to the overridable method will be passed to it. Otherwise, the default method will be used.

For example, #scaffold_find_object(action, id, options) is an overridable method. That means if :delete is the action, it will first look for scaffold_delete_find_object, and if it exists it will call scaffold_delete_find_object(id, options).

If a method can be overridden by an instance variable, it should have only one argument.

The methods that are overridable by other methods are (without the “scaffold_” prefix): add_associated_objects, associated_objects, association_find_object, association_find_objects, find_object, find_objects, new_associated_object_values, remove_associated_objects, save, unassociated_objects, and filter_attributes.

The methods that are overridable by other methods or instance variables are (again, without the “scaffold_” prefix): associated_human_name, association_use_auto_complete, fields, include, select_order, attributes, include_association, and select_order_association.

Most methods that find objects check options[scaffold_session_value] as a security check if #scaffold_session_value is set.

There are some methods that are so similar that they are dynamically defined using define_method. They are:

  • scaffold_association_list_class: The html class attribute of the association list

  • scaffold_habtm_with_ajax: Whether to use Ajax when scaffolding habtm associations for this model

  • scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax: Whether to use Ajax when loading associations on the edit page

  • scaffold_browse_records_per_page: The number of records to show on each page when using the browse scaffold

  • scaffold_convert_text_to_string: Whether to use input of type text instead of a text area for columns of type :text

  • scaffold_search_results_limit: The maximum number of results to show on the scaffolded search results page

Each of these methods can be set with an instance variable. If the instance variable is not set, it will use the default value from SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS.


SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = {:text_to_string=>false, :table_classes=>{:form=>'table formtable', :list=>'table table-condensed table-striped sortable', :show=>'table sortable'}, :column_type_options=>{}, :column_types=>{}, :column_options=>{}, :association_list_class=>''.freeze, :column_names=>{}, :browse_limit=>10, :search_limit=>10, :habtm_ajax=>false, :load_associations_ajax=>false, :auto_complete=>{:enable=>false, :sql_name=>'LOWER(name)', :format_string=>:substring, :search_operator=>'LIKE', :results_limit=>10, :phrase_modifier=>:downcase}, }  

Sets the default options for all models, which can be overriden by class instance variables (iv):

  • :text_to_string: If true, by default, use input type text instead of textarea for fields of type text (iv: @scaffold_convert_text_to_string)

  • :table_classes: Set the default table classes for different scaffolded HTML tables (iv: @scaffold_table_classes)

  • :column_type_options: Override the default options for a given column type (iv: @scaffold_column_type_options)

  • :column_types: Override the default column type for a given attribute (iv: @scaffold_column_types)

  • :column_options: Override the default column options for a given attribute (iv: @scaffold_column_options_hash)

  • :column_names: Override the visible names of columns for each attribute (iv: @scaffold_column_names)

  • :association_list_class: Override the html class for the association list in the edit view (iv: @scaffold_association_list_class)

  • :browse_limit: The default number of records per page to show in the browse scaffold. If nil, the search results will be displayed on one page instead of being paginated (iv: @scaffold_browse_records_per_page)

  • :search_limit: The default limit on scaffolded search results. If nil, the search results will be displayed on one page instead of being paginated (iv: @scaffold_search_results_limit)

  • :habtm_ajax: Whether or not to use Ajax (instead of a separate page) for modifying habtm associations (iv: @scaffold_habtm_with_ajax)

  • :load_associations_ajax - Whether or not to use Ajax to load the display of associations on the edit page, useful if the default display is too slow (iv: @scaffold_load_associations_with_ajax)

  • :auto_complete: Hash containing the default options to use for the scaffold autocompleter (iv: @scaffold_auto_complete_options)


scaffold_field_wrapper [R]

Override the typical table-based form display by overriding these wrappers. Should return a proc that takes an html label and widget and returns an html fragment.

scaffold_form_wrapper [R]

Override the typical table-based form display by overriding these wrappers. Should return a proc that takes rows returned by #scaffold_field_wrapper and returns an html fragment.

scaffold_session_value [R]

Control access to objects of this model via a session value. For example if set to :user_id, would only show objects with the same user_id as session, and would not allow access to any objects that didn't have a matching user_id.

Public Instance methods

scaffold_add_associated_objects (association, object, options, *associated_object_ids)

Add the objects specified by associated_object_ids to the given object using the given association. If the object to be associated with the given object is already associated with it, skip it (don't try to associate it multiple times). Returns the associated object (if only one id was given), or an array of objects (if multiple ids were given).

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 126
def scaffold_add_associated_objects(association, object, options, *associated_object_ids)
  unless associated_object_ids.empty?
    scaffold_transaction do
      associated_objects ={|i| scaffold_association_find_object(association, i.to_i, :session=>options[:session])}
      associated_objects.each{|o| scaffold_add_associated_object(association, object, o)}
      associated_object_ids.length == 1 ? associated_objects.first : associated_objects
scaffold_associated_human_name (association)

Return the human name for the given association, defaulting to humanizing the association name

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 138
def scaffold_associated_human_name(association)
scaffold_associated_name (association)

The #scaffold_name of the associated class. Not overridable, as that allows for the possibility of broken links.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 144
def scaffold_associated_name(association)
scaffold_associated_objects (association, object, options)

All objects that are currently associated with the given object. This method does not check that the returned associated objects meet the associated class's #scaffold_session_value constraint, as it is assumed that all objects currently assocated with the given object have already met the criteria. If that is not the case, you should override this method.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 152
def scaffold_associated_objects(association, object, options)
scaffold_association_find_object (association, id, options)

Finds a given object in the associated class that has the matching id.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 157
def scaffold_association_find_object(association, id, options)
  scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_find_object(:associated, id, options)
scaffold_association_find_objects (association, options)

Find all objects of the associated class. Does not use any conditions of the association (they are can't be used reliably, since they require an object to interpolate them), so if there are special conditions on the association, you'll want to override this method.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 164
def scaffold_association_find_objects(association, options)
  klass = scaffold_associated_class(association)
  klass.scaffold_get_objects(:order=>scaffold_select_order_association(association), :include=>scaffold_include_association(association), :conditions=>klass.scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session]))
scaffold_association_use_auto_complete (association)

Whether to use autocompleting for linked associations. Defaults to whether the associated class uses auto completing. Always false if #scaffold_association_find_objects is overridden for the specific association.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 172
def scaffold_association_use_auto_complete(association)
  scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_use_auto_complete && !respond_to?("scaffold_#{association}_association_find_objects")
scaffold_auto_complete_associations ()

Defaults to associations specified by scaffold fields that are autocompleting. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 177
def scaffold_auto_complete_associations
  @scaffold_auto_complete_associations ||= scaffold_fields(:edit).reject{|field| !(scaffold_association(field) && scaffold_association_use_auto_complete(field))}
scaffold_auto_complete_find (phrase, options = {})

Return all records that match the given phrase (usually a substring of the most important column). If options is present, delegate to the associated class's scaffold_auto_complete_find.

Allows method override (options.delete(:association))

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 186
def scaffold_auto_complete_find(phrase, options = {})
  session = options.delete(:session)
  if association = options.delete(:association)
    if meth = scaffold_method_override(:auto_complete_find, association, phrase, options)
      scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_auto_complete_find(phrase, :session=>session)
    find_options = { :limit => scaffold_auto_complete_results_limit,
        :conditions => [scaffold_auto_complete_conditions(phrase), scaffold_session_conditions(session)],
        :order => scaffold_select_order(:auto_complete),
        :include => scaffold_include(:auto_complete)}.merge(options)
scaffold_browse_find_objects (options)

Separate method for browsing objects, as it also needs to return whether or not there is another page of objects. Returns [another_page, objects], where another_page is true or false.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 205
def scaffold_browse_find_objects(options)
  get_options = {:order=>scaffold_select_order(:browse), :include=>scaffold_include(:browse), :conditions=>scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])}
  if limit = scaffold_browse_records_per_page
    get_options[:offset] = (options[:page].to_i-1) * limit
    get_options[:limit] = limit = limit + 1
  objects = scaffold_get_objects(get_options)
  if limit && objects.length == limit
    [true, objects]
    [false, objects]
scaffold_column_name (column_name)

Returns the human name for a given attribute. Can be set via the instance variable @scaffold_column_names, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the human name string as the value.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 223
def scaffold_column_name(column_name)
  @scaffold_column_names ||= {}
  @scaffold_column_names[column_name] ||= if n = SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_names][column_name]
  elsif scaffold_association(column_name)
scaffold_column_options (column_name)

Returns any special options for a given attribute. Can be set via the instance variable @scaffold_column_options_hash, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the html options hash as the value.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 237
def scaffold_column_options(column_name)
  @scaffold_column_options_hash ||= {}
  @scaffold_column_options ||= {}
  @scaffold_column_options[column_name] ||= scaffold_merge_hashes(@scaffold_column_options_hash[column_name], SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_options][column_name], scaffold_column_type_options(scaffold_column_type(column_name)))
scaffold_column_type (column_name)

Returns the column type for the given scaffolded column name. Can be set via the instance variable @scaffold_column_types, a hash with the column name as a symbol key and the html type symbol as a value. Associations have the :association type, and other types are looked up via columns_hash.type. If no type is provided, :string is used by default.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 247
def scaffold_column_type(column_name)
  @scaffold_column_types ||= {}
  @scaffold_column_types[column_name] ||= if type = SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_types][column_name]
  elsif scaffold_association(column_name)
  elsif type = scaffold_table_column_type(column_name)
    (scaffold_convert_text_to_string && (type == :text)) ? :string : type
scaffold_column_type_options (type)

The HTML options for a given column type, affecting all columns of that type. Can be set with the @scaffold_column_type_options instance variable, which should be a hash with the column type as a symbol key and the html options hash as the value.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 264
def scaffold_column_type_options(type)
  @scaffold_column_type_options ||= {}
  @scaffold_column_type_options[type] ||= SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:column_type_options][type] || {}
scaffold_field_id (field)

Returns the foreign key for the field if it is an association, or the field as a string if it is not.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 271
def scaffold_field_id(field)
  if reflection = scaffold_association(field)
scaffold_find_object (action, id, options)

Find the object of this model given by the id

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 280
def scaffold_find_object(action, id, options)
  object = scaffold_get_object(id)
  raise scaffold_error_raised unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(object, options[:session])
scaffold_find_objects (action, options)

Find all objects of this model

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 287
def scaffold_find_objects(action, options)
  scaffold_get_objects(:order=>scaffold_select_order(action), :include=>scaffold_include(action), :conditions=>scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session]))
scaffold_habtm_associations ()

Array of symbols for all habtm associations in this model's scaffold_associations. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 293
def scaffold_habtm_associations
  @scaffold_habtm_associations ||= scaffold_associations.reject{|association| scaffold_association_type(association) != :edit}
scaffold_human_name ()

The human name string for this model. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 298
def scaffold_human_name
  @scaffold_human_name ||= scaffold_name.humanize
scaffold_include (action = :default)

Which associations to include when querying for multiple objects. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 304
def scaffold_include(action = :default)
scaffold_merge_records (from, to, options)

Merges the record with id from into the record with id to. Updates all associated records for the record with id from to be assocatiated with the record with id to instead, and then deletes the record with id from.

Returns false if the ids given are the same or the #scaffold_session_value criteria is not met.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 320
def scaffold_merge_records(from, to, options)
  from, to = from.to_i, to.to_i
  return false if from == to
  from_object = scaffold_get_object(from)
  return false unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(from_object, options[:session])
  to_object = scaffold_get_object(to)
  return false unless scaffold_session_value_matches?(to_object, options[:session])
  scaffold_transaction do
    scaffold_all_associations.each{|reflection| scaffold_reflection_merge(reflection, from, to)}
scaffold_name ()

The name string to use in urls, defaults to name.underscore. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 310
def scaffold_name
  @scaffold_name ||= name.underscore.gsub('/', '__')
scaffold_new_object (attributes, options)

Creates a new object, setting the attributes if given.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 335
def scaffold_new_object(attributes, options)
  object = new
  scaffold_set_attributes(object, scaffold_filter_attributes(:new, attributes || {}))
  object.send("#{scaffold_session_value}=", options[:session][scaffold_session_value]) if scaffold_session_value
scaffold_remove_associated_objects (association, object, options, *associated_object_ids)

Removes associated objects with the given ids from the given object's association. Returns the associated object (if only one id was given), or an array of objects (if multiple ids were given).

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 345
def scaffold_remove_associated_objects(association, object, options, *associated_object_ids)
  unless associated_object_ids.empty?
    scaffold_transaction do
      associated_objects = associated_object_ids.collect do |associated_object_id|
        associated_object = scaffold_association_find_object(association, associated_object_id.to_i, :session=>options[:session])
        scaffold_remove_associated_object(association, object, associated_object)
      associated_object_ids.length == 1 ? associated_objects.first : associated_objects
scaffold_search_null_options ()

List of human visible names and field name symbols to use for NULL/NOT NULL fields on the scaffolded search page. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 424
def scaffold_search_null_options
  @scaffold_search_null_options ||= scaffold_attributes(:search).reject{|f| scaffold_table_column_type(f).nil?}.collect{|f| [scaffold_column_name(f), f]}
scaffold_search_object (attributes = {})

Returns a completely blank object suitable for searching, updated with the given attributes.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 429
def scaffold_search_object(attributes = {})
  object = new

  # Blank any fields set by default
  scaffold_attributes(:search).each{|field| object.send("#{field}=", nil) unless object.send(field) == nil}

  # Don't set any fields left blank by the user
  h = {}
  attributes.each {|k,v| h[k] = v unless v.to_s.strip.empty?}

  scaffold_set_attributes(object, h)
scaffold_select_order (action = :default)

The SQL ORDER BY fragment string. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 444
def scaffold_select_order(action = :default)
scaffold_session_conditions (session)

The conditions array to use if #scaffold_session_value is set, nil otherwise

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 449
def scaffold_session_conditions(session)
  ["#{scaffold_table_name}.#{scaffold_session_value} = ?", session[scaffold_session_value]] if scaffold_session_value
scaffold_session_value_matches? (object, session)

True if the given object meets the #scaffold_session_value criteria

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 454
def scaffold_session_value_matches?(object, session)
  !scaffold_session_value || object.send(scaffold_session_value) == session[scaffold_session_value]
scaffold_table_class (type)

Returns the scaffolded table class for a given scaffold type. Can be set with the instance variable @scaffold_table_classes, a hash with the type as the symbol key and the value as the html class string.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 467
def scaffold_table_class(type)
  @scaffold_table_classes ||= {}
  @scaffold_table_classes[type] ||= SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS[:table_classes][type]
scaffold_transaction (&block)

Run the block inside a database transaction

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 473
def scaffold_transaction(&block)
scaffold_unassociated_objects (association, object, options)

Returns all objects of the associated class not currently associated with this object.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 478
def scaffold_unassociated_objects(association, object, options)
  scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_get_objects(:conditions=>[scaffold_unassociated_condition(association, object), scaffold_associated_class(association).scaffold_session_conditions(options[:session])], :order=>scaffold_select_order_association(association), :include=>scaffold_include_association(association))
scaffold_update_attributes (object, attributes)

Updates attributes for the given action, but does not save the record.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 483
def scaffold_update_attributes(object, attributes)
  scaffold_set_attributes(object, scaffold_filter_attributes(:edit, attributes))
scaffold_use_auto_complete ()

Whether this class should use an autocompleting text box instead of a select box for choosing items. Can be set with an instance variable.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/meta_model.rb, line 489
def scaffold_use_auto_complete
  @scaffold_use_auto_complete ||= scaffold_auto_complete_options[:enable]