
Last Update: 2008-10-18 19:13:56 -0700

Conversion from an svn revision prior to 90 to the current version of Scaffolding Extensions can be very easy or fairly tedious, depending on how much you relied on the implementation of the older version.

Here's a list of things to check and fix, in the order of expected use:

  • @scaffold_fields is now a list of symbols and not a list of strings. Other

variables that let you choose from fields or associations also take symbols instead of strings, such as @scaffold_associations, @scaffold_column_types, and @scaffold_column_options_hash. Variables that are used directly in the SQL string, such as @scaffold_select_order, are still strings.

  • The scaffold templates no longer set the title of the page in an h1 tag.

Now, that is done by the layout. The title of the page is stored in @scaffold_title, and if you use a custom layout, you should incorporate that.

  • The scaffold method has fewer options and now takes the model class. The

only options available are :except and :only. So instead of “scaffold :album”, you use “scaffold Album”. It automatically scaffolds all habtm associations for the model (though you can override that with the model's @scaffold_habtm_associations). You can no longer scaffold without a suffix, and the suffix used is set by the class's @scaffold_name (defaulting to name.underscore).

  • The scaffold_habtm method no longer has options and now takes the model

class and the association as a symbol. So instead of “scaffold_habtm :album, :artist” you use “scaffold_habtm Album, :artists”. scaffold_habtm no longer scaffolds both ways, so you'll need two separate calls if you want it scaffolded in both directions.

  • The scaffold_all_models method only accepts a hash and not a list of models

to scaffold. Keys of the hash (other than :except and :only) should be model classes, defining options for each model. :except and :only take lists of models instead of symbols. options for each model can only be :except and :only.

  • The scaffolded pages no longer set variables such as @artist and @artists or

variables like @scaffold_action. Now, they use the generic @scaffold_object and @scaffold_objects for holding model objects. Variables that will definitely be defined are @scaffold_suffix, @scaffold_class, and @scaffold_options.

  • Overriding defaults for ActiveRecord classes is now done through

“::ActiveRecord::Base::SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS”, and the option names have changed. Names for instance variables inside the class should still work. See the RDoc for details.

  • Setting auto_complete_skip_style is now a singleton option and not a

per-model options. It is set with “ScaffoldingExtensions.auto_complete_skip_style = true”.

  • Scaffolded methods are no longer prefixed with _ and then aliased. If you

want to override a method but still call it later, alias it manually and overwrite it to call the aliased version.

  • There is no ability to generate code, as eval is no longer used. All dynamic

methods are created with define_method. This makes debugging much easier, and should make things quite a bit faster.

  • If you set the scaffold_fields by using a method instead of an instance

variable, you'll have problems. Switch to using instance variables for @scaffold_fields, @scaffold_select_order, etc.. If you want to override them for specific cases (scaffold_new_fields), it is ok to use a function for that, though I would still recommend using a variable (@scaffold_new_fields).

  • If you called methods such as scaffold_new_fields or

scaffold_browse_select_order, you'll need to change those to scaffold_fields(:new) and scaffold_select_order(:browse).

  • scaffold_fields, scaffold_select_order, and scaffold_include methods all

take an argument now, specifying the action being used, though to make things easier the argument has a default (:default).

  • all_models is now a method of ScaffoldExtensions, not of ActiveRecord::Base,

and it returns model classes, not model name strings.

  • render_#{suffix}_scaffold is no longer called, now just

scaffold_render_template is used.

  • All methods adding by Scaffolding Extensions start with scaffold. If you

used a method added by Scaffolding Extensions that didn't start with scaffold, it has definitely been renamed.

  • It is no longer possible to use scaffold_associations_path or

scaffold_habtm_ajax_path for the model as those are now inline templates.

  • Rails' form tag helpers are no longer used, so setting some options (such as

:size for a text area) no longer works. You must specify html options (such as :cols and :rows) instead.

  • Fields named “password” are no longer set to be of input type password by

default (that can be changed via @scaffold_column_types).

I recommend searching for “scaffold” inside all of your application's files, and making sure every usage conforms to the current version's API.

If you can't upgrade to the new version of the plugin and you want to use the old version, use the following svn revision depending on the version of Rails you are using:

  • Rails 2.0: svn revision 89

  • Rails 1.2: svn revision 81

  • Rails 1.1: svn revision 61