class Test::Unit::TestCase

  1. lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb
Superclass: Object

Simple test framework to check that public facing pages without an id respond successfully

This is only a basic check, it does not check that all form submittals work, as that requires that you choose an object to test. If you want to be sure that all parts of Scaffolding Extensions work with your applications, you should extend the tests here to do so.

Public Class methods

test_scaffold (model, options = {})

Test the scaffold method using the same arguments as the method

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb, line 15
def self.test_scaffold(model, options = {})
  define_method("test_scaffold_#{model.scaffold_name}"){scaffold_test(model, options)}
test_scaffold_all_models (options = {})

Test the scaffold_all_models method using the same arguments as the method

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb, line 10
def self.test_scaffold_all_models(options = {})
  ActionController::Base.send(:scaffold_all_models_parse_options, options).each{|model, options| test_scaffold(model, options)}

Public Instance methods

scaffold_habtm_test (model, association, id)

Test the habtm scaffold for singular class, many class, and the specific id

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb, line 38
def scaffold_habtm_test(model, association, id)
  action = "edit_#{model.scaffold_name}_#{association}", {:id=>id}
  assert_nothing_raised("Error requesting habtm scaffold #{action}"){get action}
  assert_response :success, "Response for habtm scaffold #{action} not :success"
scaffold_session ()

Default scaffold session hash to use.

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb, line 20
def scaffold_session
scaffold_test (model, options = {})

Test that getting all display actions for the scaffold returns success

[show source]
# File lib/scaffolding_extensions/rails_test_help.rb, line 25
def scaffold_test(model, options = {})
  klass = @controller.class
  methods = options[:only] ? Array(options[:only]) : ScaffoldingExtensions::DEFAULT_METHODS
  methods -= Array(options[:except]) if options[:except]
  methods.each do |action|
    assert_nothing_raised("Error requesting scaffolded action #{action} for model #{}") do
      get "#{action}_#{model.scaffold_name}", nil, scaffold_session
    assert_response :success, "Response for scaffolded action #{action} for model #{} not :success"